5 Overlooked Auto Coverages

There are a few coverages that online 1-800# insurance retailors often overlook in an effort to produce a low auto insurance rate.  Insurance buyers often request “Full Coverage Insurance” and there is a major disconnect from what they request and receive.  Here are the 5 most commonly missed coverages:

Underinsured Motorist- It seems every time I do a list there is one I am shocked I have to include and Underinsured is todays winner. In most states Uninsured motorist is covered but underinsured motorist is not. This coverage kicks in if you or a family member is involved in an accident that is not your fault and the offending party carries insurance that is not sufficient to cover your injuries. With half of all drivers only carrying liability insurance this coverage is often triggered and provides coverage for your medical expenses.

Rental Car-  Rental car coverage is triggered if you have damage to your car caused from a covered comp or collision accident.  It is becoming a necessity as repair times are taking much longer than usual and the cost of rental cars has gone up dramatically.

Glass Coverage- Many of us have had to get a new windshield in our lifetime and we remember just 10 years ago when the average windshield cost $250.   Not today!  Since 2015 windshield prices have increased dramatically as they have driving sensors that have to be calibrated, rain sensors even self-tint abilities sometimes.  They do so many things that a simple windshield now averages closer to 1500 for replacement than the $250 we remember.

GAP Coverage- In todays finance world we can finance cars for 5,6 even 7 years, and we have all heard the commercial, we can do it for just a dime down.  This creates a GAP in the value of the vehicle and the amount owed on the vehicle.   The dealer will be all too happy to sell this coverage to you but it will cost 400% more than we charge and come with an additional deductible.   Call us first!

Roadside Assistance-  Keys locked in the car, need a jump start, car won’t start?  These are all cases where roadside coverage comes into play.  It seems shade tree mechanic days are over so getting your vehicle to a shop is important and tow trucks are not getting cheaper.

If your looking to have an expert review your policy, give us a call or visit us at www.millenniumbrokers.com .

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