Attractions in Springfield Missouri

Looking for something to do in Springfield Missouri? We have your answer! Here is a guide at some local hidden attractions in Springfield.

Attractions  in Springfield: Springfield Botanical Gardens

Looking for a year around attraction that is consistently rated as one of Springfield’s top attractions? First we have the Springfield Botanical Gardens located in the 113-acre Nathaniel Green/ Close Memorial Park. This Springfield Treasure features dozens of unique gardens, like roses, native plants, lilies, iris and ornamental grass, and many other specimens of plants and flowers that are a treat to see in the Midwest! Many people like to excise and explore mother nature. Treat yourself to the Springfield Botanical Gardens to get the best of both worlds. Due to its hidden landscape, this is an attraction only many locals know about.

Attractions in Springfield: Butterfly House

Next,  with the amazing Gardens you will find the Dr. Bill K. Roston Native Butterfly House open April though October. Addition to the Butterfly house is no cost and the Docents are knowledgeable and welcoming!

Attractions in Springfield: Japanese Stroll Garden

In addition to the Botanical Garden is the Mizumoto Japanese Stroll Garden. The calming retreat was constructed in 1985 and spans a massive 7.5 acres. It has a tea house, meditation garden and traditional Japanese landscaping. There’s a small but worth it admission fee ($3) for anyone over the age of 12, and 12 and under can enjoy the garden at no cost.

Attractions in Springfield: Gray-Campbell Farmsted

Last we have the Gray-Campbell Farmstead. Talk about a MUST SEE, the farmstead shows a real example of what life would have been like on the plains in 1860’s.  You’ll find the oldest house in Springfield, dating back to 1856, that was built by James Price Gray. There’s a separate Kitchen structure–make sure to ask why, Granary, Barn, outhouse, well and Cemetery.

In addition to the Gray-Campbell farmstead you’ll find the Liberty School House is a one room school house was in use from the 1800’s to 1951 when it was incorporated into the Fair Grove School District. After the consolidation the Liberty School House was sold and moved and used as a storage site for hay, later it was made into a repair shop for boats. The school was rescued due to demolition and moved to the Nathanael Green Park in 2014. The School house is staffed by volunteers April Though October, 1:30PM to 4:30PM.


Here’s more details, go out and enjoy!

Nathanael Greene / Close Memorial Park


PDF Map of the Park and Attractions


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