5 Overlooked Auto Coverages

There are a few coverages that online 1-800# insurance retailors often overlook in an effort to produce a low auto insurance rate.  Insurance buyers often request “Full Coverage Insurance” and there is a major disconnect from what they request and…

Back To School

With school starting August 22nd for those who reside in Springfield, Nixa, and Republic school districts, and August 23rd for those in Ozark and Bolivar, it’s time to start thinking about strengthening our kids’ immune systems. School is a hot…

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is an important thing to consider, but it can be pretty confusing too. With the abundance of information out there, you might struggle to figure out if you should get life insurance and, if so, which one? These…

Why Do Insurance Rates Go Up?

  Their are numerous reasons why insurance rates go up but many don’t realize it correlates with the local economy, materials cost and many other factors. Insurance companies do not like to raise rates if they do not have too.…

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